Monday, April 29, 2013

8 de Abril

Hola buenas a todos! This was a super great week! First off, I am now with Elder Dayes. He has been the office secretary for the past 6 months, and so was kind of excited to leave, and doesn't know what to do with so much proseliting time to fill! And not having to stay up until 2 to do numbers was great for him haha. He is from Arizona.  He's a great missionary, always talking to people, something I'm not as good at so he's a good example haha.
General Conferece was so great! We watched them in the Church. The 10 am session was broadcasted live here at 6 pm. On Sunday we watched Priesthood at 11, Sat afternoon at 2, and then sunday morning live at 6. We never got to see sunday afternoon, where I figured that Elder Holland, Oaks, and Christofferson would all speak, some of my favorite speakers! So we'll have to download it and listen to it at home. It was so great though! Me encanta los discursos de Pres. Eyring, and his testimony--super fuerte!!! I love Tad R. Callister, and he gave a great talk. Elder Packer and Elder Ballard gave really good ones too. I noticed the same theme with almost all of them--family relations, priesthood blessings, obedience to commandments, missionary work, and standing as a witness in all things. Quit being super flojo about it all! You have a testimony, show it! I think that is why the Savior condemned hipocrites so sternly. Everything about the gospel is intended to help you become something, to be someone, not just do or not do things. Something hipocrites profess to be but aren't. It also seems like there are some hard times with testimony trying experiences that we have yet to face, and so we need to start now being a witness and having our answers ready! It was funny, we as a piso were trying to guess where the new temples would be announced, I joked about one being in Utah again, and what do you know! The Rio temple should be super neat too. It will be so great to hear one of these days a Barcelona or Valencia! There are a ton of missionaries too, I can't believe it! So amazing!
We had a great miracle this week. Our Ward mission leader had reffered us to a less active family who the parents were baptized about five years ago, but then stopped coming after a trial and went back to the catholic church. Elder Dixon and I passed by once, taught about living prophets, and they accepted us to come back. The second visit we talked about the Book of Mormon, how it can bless our lives. They opened up to us in that visit and told us that the reason they stopped coming was because they didn't feel like they had testimonies of the Book of Mormon, and when their kids would ask them questions, they felt embarrased that they didn't know the answers and couldn't give a good example and so they taught them what they knew, catholosism. We invited them to read the Book of Mormon, told them we would help, and teach. They accepted. We passed by and left a kids book with fotos and copies in Spanish and English so that they all could read, and were super excited. They expressed to us their desire to try to come back into activity. The man, Klifson, has been sick but was able to make Saturday's General Conference session, and loved it, especially the talk by Elder Ballard. The Sunday session the whole family was there with our ward mission leader and they all loved it. They are super excited, and we will hopefully see two baptisms from their two oldest kids who have not been baptized. They are so great! They speak spanish really well for most africans we've seen, so thats great. The kids are a lot more fluent since they go to school and have friends here. We don't really translate for people, they want to try to get headphones, for sure have them study scriptures and books on their own. We'll have to see what they want to do. There were just a few points or power phrases that I loved out of each talk, and then we downloaded conference today to listen to the last session. That's the highlight of my week, can't think of much else to say. Have a wonderful week, be happy, apply, ponder, and live the teaching of the prophets! Don't miss me too much  You're always in my prayers! Have a fantastic week.

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