Monday, July 8, 2013

Buuuenas tardes! 8 de Julio

Hello to all. First off, it weirds me out that we are already in July, and that my year mark is in a few weeks! It's hard to believe, but hey, it's got to kick you in the butt sometime. 

 Another cool miracle, we had 7 investigators in church this week!! A romanian, Christian, and his wife that our romanian member invited, they are progressing pretty well actually. We actually found them after church last week, and Elder Schindler taught them during the week while I was on an intercambio up in Castellón Tues-afternoon to Thursday morning. (Side note about the intercambio: It was fun. I went up with our District Leader, Elder Farah. They had practically no visits, and the ones they had dropped our visits, so we pretty much knocked doors the whole time. Like 200. And guess what I learned! There's a better way. President Hinckley wasn't lying. We had no "visible success". Maybe someone will call in 5 years or something. But yeah, I realized after doing that I thought back to the broadcast, and it made us think that the Apostles don't really want us knocking doors if we can avoid it. Hence the new technology finding coming soon! Maybe ten or even 5 years ago, the world was a much different place. Today, especially here in Spain, the last thing people want is two younglings knocking on their door to teach them about Jesus. Hence, there's a better way! Members!! Woohoo! Plus, they already have some background on us if they have a member friend, they are more willing to listen to us, whether out of interest, or just to listen for their friend who asked them too, and then after they feel something. And they have a support system/teacher. And many more reasons why it's so much better! It's easier on us too =) On a different note, Castellón has no bus or metro...we walked a lot more than I was used to in the heat...that wasn't fun. It was fun to get to know the other Elders in Castellón though!  
Anyways where was I? Oh yeah, we had Angelica and her elderly mother, a referral received from the Hna's of our ward. She is from Ecuador. She has a fecha for the 20th! We'll see how that goes. Also, a new inv. that our romanian member invited. He is from a country in africa where they speak french. He speaks a little spanish but that's about it. He also has no home, and is living in the park. I don't know how our romanian friend who barely speaks spanish himself met and invited this guy to church, but he was there! Also, our inv. Peter from Nigeria brought one of his friends, David. Nicu didn't make it, we have to see what is up with that. He has been progressing a lot lately. We did give a blessing to him. His sister ended up not wanting one at the moment. He likes reading the scriptures, he says he almost cries whenever he reads, and he asked us why. Dude, we taught you about the Spirit last week, remember? Well, that's Him! 
Today we went out and visited an old monestary. Out in Simat de Valldigna. There weren't any nuns or monks there anymore...they're kind of a dying breed. Nobody is joining their ranks least the Church of Jesus Christ keeps growing! It was neat, after we went on a winding canyon road that made me think of Utah. 
Also, on Saturday, there was a conference for priesthood holders where we listened to the stake leaders and our bishop. They gave inspiring counsels and I always love listening to their heartfelt and inspired testimonies and the examples of the lives that they live. 

Well, that's about all my news for the week! Thanks for all of your prayers! I have been reading a little bit of that book you sent, I really like it.
  It's interesting to see how we often categorize the gospel apart from our lives, and subcategorize the different programs in the church. Really, it should be our life and it should be simple. Sharing the gospel is as simple as living it. It is so great to have the opportunity to teach and see the changes in people's lives. I  know that the Holy Ghost works with the hearts of people to bring them unto Christ. Whenever we teach, we feel the Holy Ghost because we are in the mindset of receiving Him. Why not always be in this mindset? That is the key to having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion. We simply need to be inviting Him with our thoughts, our actions, and by being worthy. And praying of course =) With the Holy Ghost as your companion, you are essentially "walking with God" and all things will be for your benefit. We learn more, we grow more, we become something more. Keep seeking the Holy Ghost in your life, and you can't go wrong! 

I love you all, keep being great!

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