Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 de Octubre --Release the superhero/perfect missionary inside of you!

Hola! ¿Qué tál las cosas por allá? Well, I guess you already have told me how things are over there, so I guess it's my turn =) I just get into a habit of starting everything with that... Anyways. It has been kind of a long week here.
    We've had a few visits with some new investigators and people which have turned out well, and others we'll see where they go... Our fecha Antonio lost his fecha because he didn't come to church, and we also don't feel he is ready. Well, we know he isn't. We taught the 10 commandments, and he accepts it all in word, but won't commit to living them if the temptation comes along (specifically for the law of chastity) and we have also taught the word of wisdom. He said he will try to quit smoking, but the other things he likes and doesn't want to completely give up. And he hasn't been praying or reading. So we are helping him to see the importance and really just to feel the Spirit. It is really interesting to see the difference between investigators--some are knowledgeable, almost bible-bashing (a new Dominican that came to English class and stayed for institute, and we had a visit later in the week with him...He's one of those guys who knows like a billion history facts and what happened with people (supposedly) and sometimes make you question if what you are teaching him really makes sense (but then you think about it...our message is the only thing that really makes sense in the big picture, eternal perspective, and in general common sense and just looking at where the church is today, so then we just teach more simply and boldy!) and have doubts about authority, or some like Antonio have little experience with God or scriptures. Their needs are vastly different of course.
   As far as things in Menorca go, we are trying to figure out what we need to do and focus on. There are days when we have lots of visits and we see progress in people, and others when we are walking uphill streets all day and seeing no progress. We've talked about it a lot between us and we both sense a great feeling of apathy and lightmindedness when it comes to spiritual things and God. Satan has gotten great hold upon the hearts of many here, which makes us sad. Commandments are a difficult struggle for people, especially the law of chastity and tithing. People just don't see or feel the importance of us or our message it seems. This morning we dedicated our companionship study to finding solutions in the scriptures. We took up Pres Packers promise from Conference-- open up to any page of scripture and start reading--Answers will come. We ended up opening to Hebrews 12, Ether 4, and D&C 58, all of which directly answered the questions we included in our prayer to start our study, and the surrounding chapters (Heb. 11/13, Ether 3/5, etc.) also offered perfect insights. Now we have a more clear path! It talked about faith, running with patience and throwing off deadweights, looking unto Christ, lifting up the hand and feeble needs of others, not trading our eternal birthright for a piece of meat, "marriage is honorable", Obedience and repentance, the role of the Spirit, good things coming of God, rending the veil of unbelief, baptism, book of mormon, learning God's will, Lord's promises, humility, prayers of faith, etc. So basically lots of stuff for investigators and less actives, and lots of stuff for us! We've been giving out lots of Book of Mormon copies, so hopefully fruit comes out of that soon.
  I'm grateful for time I've had with Elder Alder so far. We both feel that although we don't know too many other missionaries, there's not many others we would rather have as a companion while we are here. We were talking the other day, we both would feel fine if we had to go home and tell people we served on a tourist island and although we didn't have tons of huge miracles or baptisms etc. we feel satisfied with our efforts and work and feel that the Lord would have us here at this time and that we are doing the right things. 
   As a dumb side note, more for my friends who saw the Avengers movie, we made some dumb analogy for how the Avengers team together demonstrate an effective missionary! This is where my email title applies =)
Ironman: effective studies, new strategies
Hulk: Self mastery, getting things done.
Halkeye: Precision hitting the weakness/putting messages into hearts of peope
Captain America: Integrity, honesty, and obedience
Black Widow: Inspired questions
Thor: Power and authority of our calling/teaching with...
Other heros: 
Batman: Submitting your will to a greater cause, sacrifice
Superman: Obedience, avoidance of evil (kryptonite=sin!)
Spiderman: Spidersense=in tune with the Spirit
Wolverine: Endure to the end!
 I would encourage everybody to go back and read President Packer's talk, "The Key to Spiritual Protection". His message has great importance and application to our world today, whether it be in Spain, the United States, or anywhere else. The scriptures really are the key to our spiritual health, our ability to discern between what is right and of God, and what is wrong and of the devil or a precept of men. We must study the scriptures every day to know what God's will for us that day is: what we should focus on, His answers to our prayers, and something we can share or apply in helping someone else throughout our day. One of the main things missing in almost all, if not all, of the less actives lives here in my mission and in the lives of many people we talk with is that they simply do not read, let alone study, the scriptures daily, especially the Book of Mormon. The principles, teachings, and commandments contained in the Scriptures are the only way to find true, complete, and lasting happiness and peace. I testify that the scriptures are the words of God written for us, in our day, and will guide us in a strait and narrow course to the promised land God has prepared for us. (See Helaman 3:29 and Alma 37) This important commandment (John 5:29/ D&C 18:1-5) cannot be taken for granted .They are the key to our spiritual protection and growth.
From Elder Oaks:

“Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. Courage becomes a living and an attractive virtue when it is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but as the determination to live decently. A moral coward is one who is afraid to do what he thinks is right because others will disapprove or laugh. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well.”
  That's about all I have. Hope you have a great week! Keep being such wonderful examples and followers of Christ =) ¡Qué Dios os bendiga!

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