Wednesday, January 15, 2014

7 de Enero de 2014

Hola! So, I have a lot to share, but I don't know how to start and honestly I don't have a  lot of desire to type it all...if only I could just telepathically send it across the world. Oh well, cound my blessings I guess =) We'll see what we can do here.

First item of business: Elder Gil is still with me! We went into Lleida for Zone Enfoque on Wednesday. Elder Gil's package had arrived monday, but he couldn't pick it up because the mailman still had it whereever he was in his route, and Tuesday and Wednesday the office was closed for holidays. So, he came with us, and the Zone Leaders planned an intercambio with us, and Elder Weiss was to come back to Zaragoza with Elder Gil and I and E. Dixon stayed in Lleida with E. Carrigan. Well, 5 min before our train was supposed to leave, we get a call from President Pace. He said that he thought Elder Gil's package was a divinely sent sign, and it gave him more time to think about things and that he felt much more comfortable with sending Elder Dixon to Barcelona. "Uh, sure President sounds great! One problem...he's in Lleida and we're boarding our train." So, we got back to Zaragoza and put E. Gil on the first train back and E. Dixon got a train to Zaragoza to come pack his bags, then Thursday morning he left! So here we are!

Next on the list: Elder Gil is going to Madrid on Thursday for an embajada appoitment for his visa, and I get to go with him. Woo!! So he goes in the morning, and then supposedly if all goes well he can have his visa that evening. Then whenever the next transfer day in Mexico is he would go, maybe end of Jan. or something. So we'll have all late morning and mediodía to go do stuff, and maybe go see the temple!

I usually like to share something I learned from my studies this week, but I can't think of what to share out of all the good stuff I learned! I started the Book of Mormon again for the new year, made a comparison chart of the callings of prophets (how old they were, their reaction, their circumstances/background at the time, etc.) and a lot about member missionary work stuff. So yeah, everything in that general area I guess. =) Mainly I guess I noticed how natural the things of God become to those who consistenly study, pray, and live them. Then missionary work is easy and exciting, your relationship with God flourishes, and blessings are abundant.
Hope that everything goes just great and that you have a fantastic week =) Un abrazo!

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