Monday, February 25, 2013

25-2-13 Life is meant to be filled with change!

Buuuennnos tardes! I was glad to receive a few wonderful emails, and with pictures even! I was planning on sending some with this email, but the computer's USB drive here is a dud, so I can't. Lo siento. Quizas proxima vez =) I loved the news (well, most of it...I was kinda sad about the Aggies losing. I'm not even there to see it! Barcelona lost the other day too, a lot of people weren't too happy about that, except for Elder Ríos. He's a Madrid fan, and doesn't like Barça much =) They play tomorrow and Saturday for some cup, so that should be exciting.)

So, lots of crazy news from Spain. We went and visited the Park Güell this past preparation day, but a long crazy story of events led to me not having a camera there, so I didn't get pics =( It's a super popular place in Barcelona and has lots of cool stuff, so I was bummed about not having a camera, but hopefully I'll make it back again someday. Also, this last weeked we went to Barcelona to Elder Ríos' last area so that he could baptize one of his investigators there. The church in Barcelona, this one at least, was huge!! Most buildings here are multiple stories, this one has 3, and the size of each is like 2/3 of the average US building. There are 3 main wards that go there. Es super guapo también. Also, another change and surprise, they are sending me to Valencia today! The story-situation is that we received a missionary who was in another mission (he's from Romania, and I think he was serving there..), but was taken in by Pres. Pace because he was struggling there. He was in Valencia with Elder Dixon, and I guess things didn't work out and President felt that a native Spanish speaking, non american, great missionary like Elder Ríos could help him, so we're doing a swap basically. Everybody says great things about Valencia, apparently it's like the dream area right now, and I still have yet to hear one bad thing about Elder Dixon, everyone loves him. Apparently his a tall skinny guy like me, and same kind of personality, laid back and quieter. Everyone says he is super loving and humble and does great work. It should be fun =) I'm a little nervous but excited at the same time.

A big thing I've felt this last week is that as a whole I've felt more of the quiet influences of the Holy Ghost. I prayed that I didn't feel like I was being guided or helped by the Spirit as much, that I can feel it more and recognize Him in my ministry, and that I have! I've felt the quiet impressions of the Spirit in unexpected moments, as well as powerfully in baptisms, a musical fireside, and church/sacrament meeting. I know that God guides His missionaries and puts us in experiences and situations where we can obtain the maximum growth. He is merciful, wise, and always there to help through these experiences, but pushes us and tries us just hard enough that we whine or plead for His guidance or help, so that we still remember Him, and use Him and the Atonement of His Son to grow and change, which is the only way to do it and make it last. So keep trying, don't give up, look unto the Lord in every thought, and lean not unto your own understanding! In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths! La Iglesia es verdadera y Jesucristo es su cabeza, no un hombre o organizacion.
Cuidense mucho, les amo!

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