Monday, February 25, 2013

Mi carta a vosotros el día 18 de Febrero!

Buenos días! No puedo creer que ya viene el tiempo del día de preparación! Me siente que era ayer!
It has been a crazy week. First, Elder Ríos went on exchanges, so we had Elder García, another Elder native to southern Spain. He was super to have. He's only been out a couple months, but is super great. And he's a little more like me, super laid back and chill. I've noticed that a lot of Spaniards are like that. I'd fit right in here if it wasn't for being tall, blue eyes, and had an accent when I talk! Spaniards are basically all white with brown hair and eyes, like plain food, and talk in castellano con un acento de Catalá, at least here in the Catalunya area. Mom asked, we are in L'Hospitalet, kind of a suburb of Barcelona.

So anyway, then Thursday and Friday we had Specialty Training conference with the Hospitalet and Barcelona zones, and it was super good. I like how here President Pace gives more of the trainings. He and Sis. Pace both give something in the morning and in the afternoon, and los ayudantes or the zone leaders will give something right before lunch. In Ogden, it felt like zone leaders and the ayudantes gave most of the training. It's good because they learn, but we hear from them all the time anyways, and there's nothing like listening to pure revelation from the mouth of your mission president. I think my love and respect for President and Sis. Pace grows every day. They are so great! When Pres. talks to us, his words are not only inspiring, but at least for me I could feel the Spirit of his message, like how he felt when he received the revelation so it's like you are receiving it right then and there. They're testimonies are both so precious too. Our Ayudates are two of the most humble, hard working, and powerful missionaries I have ever met, they are incredible. Elder Archibald from Alabama and Elder Cerqueira from Portugal. So the conference was great. It was like feeling the Spirit all day, getting that recharge that I think I needed. Also, there were lots of tips about contacting, working with members, and how to go about the work, and also the reasons for why we are here and the power of our callings. There is so much I wish I could tell you about it, but I left my notes at home, and my camera too, lo siento. It was super great though. The problem though is that after you go about doing work again and you aren't feeling it super powerfully so you feel a little discouraged, but in the long run it is great! The testimony meeting at the end of the second day was incredibly powerful too. The missionaries here are incredible. I know God calls missionaries to where they need to be!

I read a thing about different kinds of missionaries this week, about becoming a more consecrated missionary. Basically, it described 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and what a 4th missionary is and does, with 4th being the best kind. A third missionary is what the world would consider successful, he is obedient, baptizes, does the Lord's will, except that he does it just because that's what he's supposed to do. Being a fourth missionary is still obedient, still reaps blessings, except that he gives his whole heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord, and does it because he wants to, and those are the missionaries that come home changed. It was neat. There will always be something more we can do or give to the Lord, because we aren't perfect.

Grácias por todo! Os amo y hasta luego! Sé que esta Iglesia es verdadera y es el reino de Dios! Testifico que Dios tiene un plan para cada uno de nosotros y que él nos guiará en el camino que conduce hasta donde vive él, y que estamos parte de esto plan en las vidas de otras para ayudar y bendecirles, porque Dios nos usa como instrumentos y herramientos para bendecir a sus hijos y contestar sus oraciones sinceros!

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