Thursday, June 6, 2013

IIIIIttt's preparation day!

So, we ended up changing our preparation day to Tuesday today at the last minute so that we could go see an awesome castle in a pueblo called Xativa for the last prep. day of Elder Tirado who goes home next week. Transfers are next week so I'll probably be writing on Tuesday again. I'm sending a few of the tons of pictures I took! It was really neat. Also, I attached some pictures of recent baptisms! Caroline's was this last Friday. It was super good, and we had Akim, one of the great African members in our ward, baptize her.  The service had lots of unexpected stresses to prepare, but now we all have testimonies that God answers prayers and helps us! Also, Istoken and Michael did get baptized in May. I attached their pictures too. Their baptism was so great! One of the most spiritual experiences/baptismal services I have had in the mission. Everyone comments to us about how solid and great all of our converts are, which is a good sign!
I feel like everyone can always improve their faith in some way, me too especially! This week in an eating visit a member told us about an Elder that was here a few years back that she was just so inspired by. She said that he had a spirit about him that she was just so sure was that of the Saviors and she always left edified from his presence. She always commented about how he always had halos in pictures, idk about that one though, because we never actually got to see a photo...I was really inspired by that though, that we can really be a representative of Jesus Christ up to the point that people feel they are in the very presence of something holy. It really inspired me to try to be that kind of missionary and to fulfill our purpose. Obviously there is a lot of things I need to improve in, repent, and diligence on my part, but I was really inspired to try to become something greater.
This last weekend we had Stake Conference here in Valencia. We held it in La Palacía de los Congresos, a big fancy shmancy building so that we could fit the whole stake with Valencia, Gandia, Catarroja, and Castellón. Saturday evening was a really good session, and the sunday general session as well. We sang in the choir to help out the lack of men, I think by the end of our missions we'll all be pro singers! I love it though, especially the Spirit we feel and how much the members love to hear it too. President and Sister Pace came down for it too, and as usual gave downright amazing testimonies and messages. The members love to hear from them, and as missionaries we always just get so inspired and animated by them! I always feel a special spirit around them. We also had the amazing blessing to hear from two Seventies! One was a quieter guy who spoke about doctrines, used lots of scriptures, and a few deep doctrine topics, so a lot of people said he was kind of boring but you know me, I loved it! The other one, Elder Reina, was just great. He always had everyone laughing, but what he said also taught some amazing spiritual lesson, so as people remembered what he said because it made them laugh, it teaches a principle that they can apply and improve in. Everyone loved him the most. He is from the Canary Islands though, and had an accent that us gringos had to focus in on a little harder, and Elder Perez (from Chile) couldn't tell me half of the words I asked him about haha. It was super great though. They spoke a lot on inviting others and rescuing the lost, tithing (again I know! It must be an important principle or something...maybe that is the answer to the crisis in Spain! He mentioned that blessings of tithing not only bless the tither, but the nation he lives in too, that was kind of neat) and about being more diligent in our personal discipleship. One of the funny things he said: (using an imaginary situation, in a whiny voice) "Pues, mis maestros orientadores no vienen a visitarme." E. Reina: "Y mi qué? ¡Vete y vistar alguien y rescatarles! Eso solo es dos más horas que tenéis para la obra misional!" (Well, my home teachers never come to visit me." "And me what? Go and visit someone else and rescue them! That's just two more hours you have to do misionary work!" We have already been rescued, we're in the fold already! Go and bring someone else! He also talked about an acronymn, JOY (Jesus, others, yourself/Jesús, otros, yo). When it is in order, you have plenty of joy! When it's the other way around, you've got something wrong haha. He also had an interesting diagram about families being the basic unit of everything, and I wish I could explain it to you but it's kind of hard without drawing it as you explain it... All in all with lots of other great stuff it was a great conference! The Stake Presidency here in Valencia is just one of the best. They always give such inspiring testimonies and just seem to be some of the strongest members the Church has to show!

Hope all continues to go well and that you see that life is full of blessings!

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