Tuesday, February 18, 2014

January Updates

Jan 20th
It was a nice week for us. It seemed like we were busy and yet that we were not at the same time...kind of a strange sensation. We did have a couple visits though. We have our new fecha, Favour, for the 1st of Feb.. He is the friend of a member who came to church last week. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, and he said that he understood it all and was going to read. We couldn't have our second visit with him though, and he didn't come to church yesterday.

We also finished our planning with the WML all of the activities we are going to do this year. It seems like it should be pretty successful if we can get the members to come out to the actvities. I think our miracle for this week was being able to meet with the Bishop, Elders Quorum President, and a couple other members who always tell us they don't have time during the week!

Elder Gil takes a train into Barcelona tonight and I still have no idea who my new companion is or when he's coming. We might have to sit around in a trio again for a bit. I am excited for Elder Gil though, because I know what he has been passing this past month and a half, and probably more since I waited triple his time and closer to home haha. He seems to be pretty excited, although not looking forward to the long flight. He leaves to Paris at 6:30 in the morning, then waits until 1:30 or so, and flys to Mexico. Although it is like a 13 hour flight he will get there at 6 or 7 in the evening haha.

Jan 27th

Buenos días! What a crazy week! I don't even know where to start. First off, thanks for your messages as always. I love to hear news! It sounds like lots of great things happening back home.

We had a pretty good week here. It seems that just when I get a grasp of how we are going to do things the Lord throws me another curveball and it's back to square one. Haha it's good for me though, change always keeps one on his toes! We were in a trio this week with Elder Roberts and Elder Gleason, because there wasn't any other missionaries to send our way here. Then, Sunday morning on the way to church we get a phone call from President. (Yeah, I know right? "What's next?" Is the first thing you think!) There is an Elder who is going into the office to be a trio and start getting trained in his duties there, and Elder Roberts is going to take his place in Terrassa. He left this morning =( I am going to miss Elder Roberts though! We had a lot of fun this week and lots of laughs and had some really good visits. It is weird though, because I got here to make 5 in the piso, than Elder Gil came and we had six, then with E. Wiscombe, Dixon, Gil, and now Roberts leaving one by one it puts us down to 2!

The areas will be interesting. Mine is in the top of Zaragoza right by our piso and the church, so it is easy to work in, just that we don't have very much going right now. The other Elder's is the bottom of Zaragoza, like 30-40 min in bus, depending on where we have to go. I can tell that they have been talking with a lot of people though...there have been a lot of people saying hi to us in the street down there! A lot in our area know us because of the church and everything. We have a few investigators to work with, lots of new references and people to start with, who have been hard to contact by phone recently.

Elder Gleason has a good memory of things that he has talked about with people. He can always remember what they talked about last and follow up and also to help people. He will be great for Zaragoza in his time here. We are praying for 2 more great missionaries that the Lord needs here when the transfer comes around. It is fun to work with him though, he reminds me a lot of Kaleb Rassmussen. He did MMA stuff and has a similar personality and everything. So we get along pretty well =)

This week I am going to work on charity. Elder Roberts gave an excellent talk about love and charity on sunday and it has impacted me from other talks and messages. I feel it is something the Spirit would have me think about throughout the week. And that was even more confirmed when you sent me all of those quotes by Pres. Uchtdorf haha. 

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