Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Noticias de los traslados!

Hey family and friends! How is everything?! It seems like it has been a while...this week passed by fast but seemed like it had like 10 days in it. Kind of a weird sensation. Anyways, I have our transfer news. Woo! Elder Gleason is staying and will have to companions, Elder Johnston from Bountiful (he came in this morning) and Elder Ballam from Logan Utah (we just got here after picking him up from the station, a long 30 min bus ride from piso because it's on the other side of the city from us). And I...will be staying and training! I go to Barçelona tomorrow to pick him up.

We're excited to have a full piso again! One day has already been fun! It will be nice to be back to full force (and even one extra!) and already just having another throughout today has lightened the burden of our load haha. I'm a little nervous about training, I don't know why. I'm always just super nervous I won't train him to be the missionary he needs to be or that I'll give him an incomplete perspective on what a missionary should be... I'm sure it's all just in my head though and it will be fun =) I'm just a perfectionist and want everything to be just perfect and that's hardly ever possible.. I am excited though. I'm sure he'll be great! I'll find out tomorrow who he his.

A miracle this week: I don't know so much if it was a miracle we saw, but it has been on my mind about what a miracle it is to be able to receive revelation, and just that the principle of revelation itself is a miracle. It is key as missionaries that we receive revelation on a daily basis and even hourly or minutely basis, and yet in many other things God trusts us to make the right decision. It is necessary that investigators learn and understand the principle of revelation. It is their chain that connects them to the Rock of Christ. Nobody ever sneaks into the Church or leaves from an exposure to it without the adversary noticing...he always knows and always sends opposition. If the investigators don't understand how to pray, receive answers, and receive daily inspiration from scripture study, they won't be able to see through the clouds of darkness, especially if "their missionaries" leave or if they are for whatever reason distanced from the Church for even a week or two, and they are prone to be deceived. It is important that we strive to understand the thoughts and ways of God, how He works with us and through us, and what His will is for us.

This week I am going to repent on this, and strive to deepen my revelatory experiences. We have a lot of work to do! I've been thinking between various points, mainly "Would it be worthless to strive and bring people to the Church if it won't be able to retain them? Will God guide us to His prepared children if he knows the members aren't prepared to fellowship them?" and "new converts can help the members kindle their conversions and faith. They can be what turns them around!". In any way, I feel like the Ward has been making good steps of change. Our relationship with the Bishop has been improving a lot, and he seems a lot more open, trusting, and even talks with us! We have seen a lot of good in him these last couple weeks and even the way that he runs things has been changing. I think he sees our willingness and our efforts to help. We have been struggling to find a time to meet with the Ward mission leader however, which is not good haha. We do have a big activity planned for this Friday that should be great for all who come!

Thanks for everything. ¡Qué tengáis una semana fantástica! Un saludo!

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