Monday, March 24, 2014

Zaragoza sees the sun!

10 de Marzo

Muy buenas a todos! ¿Qué tal estáis? Hemos tenido una semana muy buena. Os lo voy a contar un poco!

First off, it feels like spring weather. It has been clear and sunny all week, and kind of warm actually! 18 ºC pretty much all week. You can also tell not only by how much we don't want to wear our coats, but by how much others don't want to wear coats or other articles of clothing either! Yikes! Haha it's not bad right now though, and Zaragoza is not anywhere near the beach. It is a desert though...we hear it gets pretty dang hot here in the summer! I think I might be outta here by then though and hopefully to a place more cool!
This week on Thursday we have a Mission Conference, Elder Kearon of the Seventy (1st counselor in the Europe Area Presidency as well) will be coming. It's going to be super great! They are bringing like 2/3 (almost 160 missionaries!) of the mission into Barcelona and the rest will be in Bilbao. We will be in the Barcelona group. We're all super excited!!

17 de marzo

So, this week has been a good week for us. I loved the Conference we had on Thursday. It truly was an immense spiritual feast! There was lots of great things taught and such a great Spirit. I was really impressed overall with how Elder Kearon just stopped to enjoy the moment a few times, to just bask in the Spirit and admire the sight of what he was really in, and the sight of 160 el Faro Barcelona missionaries!  He also was good at having fun, and keeping everyone awake =) It wasn't ever a problem for me but there were a few other heads I saw bobbing here and there =) We learned a ton and it was a lot about giving our extra efforts, going from our "all" to our "absolute all" that is sometimes hard to give up =) 
I think a miracle we saw was while we were in Barcelona, we had an hour 1/2 or so before our train left, so we went out to proselyte. No one was really listening as we contacted. We were coming to the end of a big street, and I saw a man who had a more radical/different appearance than the average person. I thought came to my mind how the Lord looks upon the heart and not the outward appearance, as well as various things I have been reading in talks and PMG about how we really can't judge who will accept or not. So, I figured, the way I see it, the people who look the least "receptive" might be the most! So I contacted him and we ended up teaching him about the Restoration and leaving him with a Book of Mormon! He lives in a pueblo and didn't want to leave us his number, but he said he was going to read the Book and call the missionaries.

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