Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bon dia des de Barcelona! 19 de Mayo

Funny thing about church here: The ward is huge (well, both that meet in our building are...and they're super united! And tons of people come to activities...yess!! Take that Zaragoza!) Also, being Barcelona, there are tons of tourists that come to church here. Yesterday totalled like 18+ americans haha. Part of them were that couple that took our photo, a group of 6 BYU grads that are touring all of Europe, and a few on some cruise. It was kinda fun to get to see some people from Utah! And, there are tons of tourists here in general. And the beach is part of our area, so we see a lot of them...

Also, Elder Alder is training Elder Tigre, an Elder that was baptized by a RM in Zaragoza. He's a super great guy. So, we have a fun piso. It's also the one I stayed in  the first night when I got to Spain! Weird...

I am enjoying my service with Elder Rasmussen. He is a great ​kid. He is fun to be around and always keeps people smiling and laughing and he doesn't get discouraged. ​He's a joker and kind of a goober haha. Good ol' Tremonton boy =) He loves baseball too. I told him he'd get along well with my family haha.

This week a miracle that I feel like I saw was how the Lord uses His servants to build upon the work of another. Not just with missionaries following the work of another, but also I felt that the conference with Elders Snow, Dyches, and Nelson built upon a few things that Elder Kearon shared with us. One example in particular was when Elder Kearon invited us to come to know who we are as children of God. Then in this conference one of them invited us to "Find the Master whom you serve" and to "aquiant yourself with your Advocate". So, it builds upon coming to know who we are in relation to God as His children and servants, and as we do so we should come to know Him for who He is. It's a process that improves the way we teach this relationship to others around us.
A few other things I liked from the Conference:

-They all work in the Church History Department, so they know a ton about the history and Joseph Smith especially. They said that they have records and know what Joseph Smith was doing on almost any given day. A lot of other churches can't say that about their founders! They also testified how the "real Joseph Smith" is the same one that the Brethren testify of and the one that we are sharing with the world, and that there isn't another Joseph that the church is covering up. 

-"Years teach much that the days never know."

-Coming to know what the Lord's will is for us and our circumstances, and coming to obtain a vision of what we can do. He talked about the stories of the athletes who broke the supposedly impossible 4 minute mile, but then after one did it, tons of others started to do it, because they saw it really was possible. 
Also, even though a flea has remarkable abilities to jump in comparision to it's size, if you put them in a shoe box with the lid closed for a couple days, after jumping so many times and hitting the lid, when you take it off, they can no longer jump out or don't want to. We should avoid limiting ourselves, because really that's our only limit! 

-We sometimes get caught up in our tasks a lot. We don't see the forest around us because we focus on the trees.

-We are establishing the Church in ways we can't imagine (future fruits of our current efforts) and we are blessing more people than we can imagine (future generations, other side of the veil, know the drill=) ).

-Excuses never correct mistakes and never get anything done!

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