Monday, July 14, 2014

14 de Julio

7 de Julio

Bon dia a tots! First off, Happy Fourth of July! Woo! We didn't have too much, but we celebrated it in our hearts =) ​​
Well, we just got out of interviews, which was pretty exciting. I'll have another one in like 4 weeks with President so today's was kind of short. THey are always good though!
 We had a good week. This week we got a new investigator, Juan , so we are excited to continue working with him. He's a 60 year old Catalán from Barcelona here, and he was some evangelical or 7th day adventist, so he's studied a lot. He likes to read and study, especially the Gospel Principles book from church. We gave him one after the class and he was reading through next week's lesson before sacrament meeting started. He's briefly looked over the Book of Mormon it sounds like too. We also got back in touch with Edilenia, and I think she will be able to progress really quickly as soon as she finds some more time.
I would say that our miracle this week was that Juan came to church, that he enjoyed it and that the members really fellowshipped him. A lot thought he was a menos activo or already member =) We had brought one of Bishop's counselors Enrique with us to the first visit with him and it went well. So that was great.
It is fun to be with Elder Dean. He's a fun seeker and so always has something to say to make people laugh. Just a big people person I guess you could say. He's a water polo person, but also loves other sports. He's from around San Fransisco area.

 I'm proud to be part of such a great mission and I rejoice at our successes! The gives us His best if we give Him ours. I know that as we submit ourselves to His will, His counsel, and His voice that we will be guided for what is best and for our own personal benefit as well. We can truly remain calm, and watch as God extends His arm and accomplishes His marvelous work! Never miss a single day without reading from the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, and everything will work out for your good! You will be guided in God's paths by the Spirit's voice. You will feel confident and happy. You will feel close to God, and the needed changes will come more willingly and naturally to you. You'll be more keen in discirning truth and falsehood, both spiritual and every day like. These are blessings I have felt and seen and so I know they are available to everybody!! This week I am going to repent and strive to do everything with full and real intent. I think it will bring the Spirit more and make it so that everything just turns out better anyways!

14 de Julio

Hello everyone! Things are going well, and I am doing good. We had a good week, and we are looking forward to a really good week this week! We saw lots of great things happen. Our teaching with Juan is moving along. We finished the Plan of Salvation with him. He had lots of questions and doubts about the Fall and the Kingdoms of Glory, but I think we got them mostly settled out. I think really even though we try to answer all of his questions, we need to help him focus on gaining a personal testimony by the Spirit and the Book of Mormon. We have been involving the members in our teaching and that has been going really well. Edilenia told us that she feels like she wants to stay with her current church, where she feels comfortable and knows people. Her mom was there to back her up too...we did have a good conversation though, and we are still going to try to invite her to activities and stuff so that she can get to know p

A miracle of this past week was with a family. The mother, Nuria, is a recent convert who had stopped coming to church under negative pressure from friends and family and maybe some health reasons. We visited this last week with her, after calling and finding that she had moved without anyone knowing. She is ready to come back and misses the church. Her husband Miguel, who before didn't want to know anything about God or religion, now has interest in learning! They both came to church yesterday!! We have a visit this week with them. It was amazing how the members supported them and greeted and welcomed them back. They are passing a really rough and difficult situation right now as well, and the ward is doing a special fast for them and other needy families on the 19-20. It is a testimony to me that the Good Shepherd knows and cares for His sheep, using us, His "mini shepherds".

Have a great week! Take care! Love you all.

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